Thursday, December 13, 2012


Wounded Warrior Project                                         

Update: Through 1-30-12, we have raised $1,951 for Wounded Warriors... Outstanding and Thank You All!  (details below...)

So, based on requests - we are extending this into February!

Make sure you see the graph below!!  It's the proverbial picture worth 1,000 words!  Once you know the hidden agendas of the people that caused the radical implosion of the U.S. and Global Economy, you WILL BE angry!

The political and / or book junkies on your list, as well as anyone else who wonders "What the hell happened in 1997 (see the graph below) that culminated in the 2007-2010 meltdown and Financial Crisis... the undisputed and worst recession since The Great Depression?" are going to devour this book!
25% of the profits will go to the Wounded Warrior Project!

My two previous best-selling books (Google either / both of them):
Dirty Little Secrets of the Mortgage Industry
Scams, Shams and Flim-Flams of the Mortgage Industry

My guarantee to you: if you read this book, you will learn and know more than 93% of the population knows about the people who caused the Financial Crisis!  The names, the dates, the acts and the reasons are all in this book and the facts are all documented for you to research if you choose to do that!

A number of Twitter Followers and others with family members or friends in the military that have bought my book, have asked me recently if I would consider donating some of the profits of book sales to the Wounded Warrior Project.  And the easy answer is YES!  We have a son in the military so nothing could be nearer and dearer to my family; I should have thought of this first!

So, we are donating 25% of the profits from book sales to Wounded Warriors and we are more than happy to do it!

If you are hearing of: Skullduggery! True Causes of the Financial Crisis for the first time and / or you are among the 93% who DO NOT know precisely what, when, why and who orchestrated the
worst recession since the Great Depression, keep reading!  I am a just-retired Wall Street and Mortgage Banking Executive who was there.... right in the middle of the two industries that imploded, taking the economies of the world right down the toilet.  I saw and heard things plus did almost 2 years of research and what I learned really made me angry and... I'm blowing the whistle and pulling zero punches!


SKULLDUGGERY, True Causes of the Financial Crisis 

25% of profits will go to the Wounded WarriorProject!

QUICK!  The aberration away from the 118 year trend line in the chart below is obvious. From
1890 to 1998, smoothing out the small peaks and valleys caused by recessions and the attendant recovery years, the average annual home price increased by about 3.7%.  But from 1998 to 2006, the average price of a home in the U.S. rose by 86%!  A thinking person MUST ask: "What the hell happened in 1997 to cause such an OVERT explosion in the price of homes?

If you can name the people, the Acts, the lawsuits, the dates and the ideologies of this orchestrated manipulation of the housing market, you are among the 7%.  It is also clear it was a very quick BOOM and
BUST and the BUST caused the implosion of the U.S. and the GLOBAL ECONOMIES!!

Folks - this recession we are still living in, regardless of the "official" December 2007 to June 2009
period for this Great Recession, was caused by this equation:

Housing Boom = Housing Bust = Markets Implosion = Great Recession.

BUT... in the first 6 months of the HOUSING BUST, the media called it the... SUBPRIME MORTGAGE CRISIS and that was SPOT ON! Soon, very uncomfortable politicians and media turned the narrative to calling it THE FINANCIAL CRISIS!  Why?  To take the focus off subprime mortgages because they are the source and they are afraid someone will pursue the obvious question:



My Credentials:
I am a former Merrill Lynch executive and I also built a 2-person small company from my basement into a thriving 310 employee mortgage banking operation in 39 states. (Yes! I Built it!) I was there, right smack in the middle of the industries that imploded the economy and caused The Financial Crisis.

From 2002-2005, I served on my state's Mortgage Association Board and was President from 2004-2005.  I also owned a title insurance company with 21 employees and served on the Board of my state's RESPRO (Real Estate Services Providers Council).

Because of those two Board positions, I was in Washington D.C. 4-6 times per year with my counterparts from the other states.  We were in more closed door meetings with Senators, Representatives, State Attorneys General, HUD Secretaries, RESPA's (Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act - the laws and regulations for the mortgage banking industry) Chief Enforcement Officer and lobbyists from the largest banks and mortgage banks in the U.S.  We saw and heard quite bit that had we known all of it at one time and connected the dots, we would have seen The Financial Crisis coming.  But at that time, in the moment, we were too close to the forest to see the trees.

Then, on December 14, 2008, I was watching Scott Pelley of CBS' 60 Minutes program, and heard him refer to the Financial Crisis as "the hole that Wall Street dug." (See the 12 minute video  at this link:

I jumped from my chair and screamed at the television because I knew Pelley was lying to the American people!  I started writing Skullduggery! True Causes of the Financial Crisis within a matter of days because people deserve to know the truth and history must record correctly the architects of the worst Financial Crisis since the Great Depression, and why they did this.
Did the guilty parties do this on purpose?  It is my belief that they did but you can make up your own mind after reading my book, which is almost 500 pages long and represents 2 years of research to make certain I got my facts right and documented them for readers and historians.

So - the MILLION $$$ question: What caused the Financial Crisis?
And the most direct answer is: Subprime Mortgages
It's that simple and... that complicated.

The obvious next question is:  Who created Subprime Mortgages?
Follow the intricate, myriad trail of bread crumbs woven throughout the book and you will know who, when, how and why the U.S. is suffering its worst (and man-made) recession since The Great Depression!

The primary purpose for writing this book was to make certain that I found all those breads crumbs, traced them back to the origin and exposed all the people who were involved in imploding the U.S. economy right in the middle of one of the strongest growth periods / boom times in U.S. history.   My research connected the dots and led me to people, events and reasoning for all of this that I did not expect!  As you might surmise, if I was surprised by almost all of this, the average American not from Wall Street and mortgage banking is surely going to be surprised and I predict also MAD AS HELL!

In the book, you will read about political intrigue, back room dealings, middle of the night signings of crucial pieces of legislation, very little-known connections of powerful people, 3 previous examples of politicians' cronyism - bailing out the banks and others after they made colossal blunders (at taxpayer's expense of course) and much more!  This is Washington D.C. undressed and exposed like you've never seen or read before!

I moved to a gated community and am fending off threats and intimidation of all kinds because the people I have outed in this book are not happy I have illuminated them and highlighted their "contributions" to The Great Recession of 2007-2012 and counting.  

The book will make you Mad-As-Hell but it will also put you into the 7% of the population that knows the True Causes of the Financial Crisis that will no doubt be taught in future history books.


Because some of you asked... YES - Barack Obama is in my Top 10 List in the Book that I refer to as:  The Top 10 Chief Architects of the Financial Crisis
(and he is guilty on so many counts and in so many ways with regard to his fingerprints being all over The Financial Crisis.)

1 minute video about the book:

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More information about the book and my background:

Link to Amazon where you can buy the book:

Amazon reduced the Kindle version on 12-11-12 from $11.99 to $8.99!

The Nook version is available at for $7.55 

If you don't have a
Kindle or a Nook but want an eBook, send me an email at:

I can then email you instructions on how to get an encrypted
* pdf copy of the book for your laptop / desktop / tablet. 

* Make sure you download the pdf to the source you want to read it on. If it is emailed or loaded onto a Zip / Flash drive, the text will become unreadable.

Here's to the unmitigated TRUTH about the Financial Crisis being exposed!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Obama is Victim of Bush's Failed Policies

Who will the Obama Democrats Blame For These Next 4 Years?  Surely it can't / won't be George W. Bush anymore?!  The column below appears in Chapter 7 of my book: Skullduggery! True Causes of the Financial Crisis

Note the date of this column and also know that the writer, Chuck Green, is a life-long Democrat an former editor-in-chief of the Denver Post. And they re-elected Obama...

Obama is a Victim of Bush's Failed Promises
Greener Pastures Column -- 5/15/10 

Barack  Obama is setting a record-setting number of  records during his first year in office.
… largest budget ever… largest deficit ever… largest number of broken promises ever... most self-serving speeches ever... largest number  of agenda-setting failures ever… fastest dive in popularity ever.  Wow! Talk about change.

Just one year ago, fresh from his inauguration celebrations, President Obama was flying high. After one of the nation's most inspiring political campaigns, the election of America's first black president had captured the hopes and dreams of millions.  To his devout followers, it was inconceivable that a year later his administration would be gripped in self-imposed crisis.

Of course, they don't see it as self-imposed.  It's all George Bush's fault.

George Bush, who doesn't have a vote in congress and who no longer occupies the White House, is to blame for it all.

He broke Obama's promise to put all bills on the White House web site for five days before signing them.

He broke Obama's promise to have the congressional health care negotiations broadcast live on C-SPAN.

He broke Obama's promise to end earmarks.

He broke Obama's promise to keep unemployment from rising above 8 percent.

He broke Obama's promise to close the detention center at Guantanamo in the first year.

He broke Obama's promise to make peace with direct no precondition talks with America's most hate-filled enemies during his first year in office, ushering in a new era of global cooperation.

He broke Obama's promise to end the hiring of former lobbyists into high White House jobs.

He broke Obama's promise to end no-compete contracts with the government.

He broke Obama's promise to disclose the names of all attendees at closed White House meetings.

He broke Obama's promise for a new era of bipartisan cooperation in all matters.

He broke Obama's promise to have chosen a home church to attend Sunday services with his family by Easter of last year.

Yes, it's all George Bush's fault.  President Obama is nothing more than a puppet in the never-ending failed Bush administration.

If only George Bush wasn't still in charge, all of President Obama's problems would be solved.  His promises would have been kept, the economy would be back on track, Iran would have stopped its work on developing a nuclear bomb and would be negotiating a peace treaty with Israel.  North Korea would have ended its tyrannical regime, and integrity would have been restored to the federal government.

Oh, and did I mention  what it would be like if the Democrats, under the leadership of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, didn't have the heavy yoke of George Bush around their necks?  There would be no ear marks, no closed-door drafting of bills, no increase in deficit spending, no special-interest influence (unions), no vote buying (Nebraska, Louisiana).

If only George Bush wasn't still in charge, we'd have real change by now.

All the broken promises, all the failed legislation and delay (health care reform, immigration reform) is not President Obama's fault or the fault of the Democrat-controlled Congress.  It's all George Bush's fault.

Take for example the decision of Eric Holder, the president's attorney general, to hold terrorists' trials in New York City.  Or his decision to try the Christmas Day underpants bomber as a civilian.

Two disastrous decisions.

Certainly those were bad judgments based on poor advice from George Bush.

Need more proof?

You might recall that when Scott Brown won the election to the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts, capturing "the Ted Kennedy seat", President Obama said that Brown's victory was the result of the same voter anger that propelled Obama into office in 2008.  People were still angry about George Bush and the policies of the past 10 years. And they wanted change.

Yes, according to the president, the voter rebellion in Massachusetts was George Bush's fault.

Therefore, in retaliation, they elected a Republican to the Ted Kennedy seat, ending a half-century of domination by Democrats.  It is all George Bush's fault.

Will the failed administration of George Bush ever end, and the time for hope and change ever arrive?

Will President Obama ever accept responsibility for something... anything?
Chuck Green is a veteran Colorado journalist and former editor-in-chief of The Denver Post. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The 2nd Wave of the Financial Crisis is Here! FHA (Federal Housing Administration) Loans Imploding!


The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) is the 2nd wave of the housing crisis. The Wall Street Journal article of 11-20-12 (link at the bottom) painfully lays out the numbers and the history of abuse of the FHA by progressive politicians.  The abuse of the housing / mortgage markets is what caused the Financial Crisis and that fact is indisputable, yet the Obama administration has thus far successfully laid that blame on "the failed policies of the previous administration" and the "fat-cat bankers and greedy Wall Streeters." No!

This next paragraph is point #5 in acknowledgements in my book: Skullduggery! True Causes of the Financial Crisis

Five - To all citizens of the U.S. that recognize The Financial Crisis of 2007-2012 was man-made.  This recession was not a normal ebb and flow of financial cycles.  This "worst recession since the Great Depression" was man-made, caused by racial activists, community organizers, three presidents and all their progressive ilk in Congress who cast aside common sense and proven mathematical models that forecast giving (subprime) mortgages to people (black, brown, white or in between) with poor credit, little downpayment and poor job histories would end badly.  My generation, the Baby Boomers, produced a small group of liberal people within the Democratic party that became wealthy, powerful and guilt ridden over their good fortunes.  They sought to level the playing field for those less privileged in life, a very admirable goal on the surface.  The trillion or so dollars that has been spent to shore up the U.S. economy could have literally been given directly to the less fortunate across the U.S. and they would have come out far better and we would not have experienced The Great Recession.  The saddest irony of the progressive Baby Boomers' experiment gone wild is that they hurt most the very people they wanted to help (and the rest of us in the process!).  Rarely do career politicians, activists and community organizers have the business acumen to run the largest corporation in the world - the United States of America and this has once again been proven beyond the shadow of doubt.

Carter, Clinton and Obama - the chief architects of the Financial Crisis... less than 7% of the country knows this...

YOU must know this full story.  Why?  Because history MUST record this correctly.  Otherwise we are doomed to see this repeated, over and over again as long as progressive politicians and presidents view the income and taxes paid by Americans as their piggy bank / dollars to spend on far-left, social justice, spread the wealth around projects.  "Affordable Housing" (subprime loans) were the root cause of the Financial Crisis.  Knowing where all of those shitty mortgages came from and why is to know the truth.

The FHA - Federal Housing Administration - the next $16.3B - $93.7B in FHA insured housing is defaulting NOW (11-20-12 Wall Street Journal).  It was predictable; it was forecast by many economic scholars even while the Obama administration was refuting those claims and ramping up the FHA after Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac imploded.   

Here's the link to that story:


It was the realization of "social justice" we have heard so much about since Obama came on the scene in the 2008 election.

Friday, November 16, 2012

FoxNews - Middle Class Tax Warfare-50% of Your Take-Home Pay!

Half Your Paycheck To The Government In 2013!

The president is convinced Americans need to pay more in taxes. Here's what he said yesterday.

“I think everybody out there understood that was an important debate and the majority of voters agreed with me. By the way, more voters agreed with me on this issue than voted for me! So we've got a clear majority of the American people who recognize if we're gonna be serious about deficit reduction we gotta do it in a balanced way."

But let me tell you, come January 1, you're probably not going to be happy with the amount of taxes you're paying. That's because it's not just Federal taxes that you pay.

A middle class taxpayer pays 25% percent of their income in Federal Income Tax. Sounds, ok?

Then there is the Federal Social Security and Medicare payroll tax of 13.3%. You pick up 5.65% while you're employer pays 7.65%. Add them up and that's 38.3% of middle class family incomes going to Uncle Sam. But we aren't done, not by a long shot.

According to the Tax Foundation, the average state's income tax rate on the middle class is 4.82%. Of course, some states have it and some don't, but we're taking an average here.

Now the total: 43.12% of middle class income to taxes.

Oh, and I almost forgot, unless congress makes a move, Federal Income taxes go to 28% for middle income folks next year as the Bush tax cuts expire.

Neither party has said they want that to happen, but in Washington, well, you never know.

Also the payroll tax for those folks will go to 15.3% from 13.3%percent.

Did I mention state, property, corporate, and excise taxes? No?

All told, next year, total taxes will go to almost 50% for the middle class; the very group that the president says he wants to protect. That means 50 cents out of every dollar earned has to go to the government. Half of everything will go to an entity that didn't earn that money, and shouldn't be entitled to all that dough.

Unbelievable. You think most Americans agree that's fair?

I don't think so.

Here's the link at FoxNews:

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Today We Mourn the Loss of an Old Friend - Common Sense

An Obituary printed in the London Times.
Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure
How old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.
He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as:

- Knowing when to come in out of the rain;
- Why the early bird gets the worm;
- Life isn't always fair;
- And maybe it was my fault.

Common Sense lived by simple, Sound financial policies (don't spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge).

His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place.
Reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.

Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children.

It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer sun lotion or an aspirin to a student; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.

Common Sense lost the will to live as the churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims.

Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault.

Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.

Common Sense was preceded in death,
-by his parents, Truth and Trust,
-by his wife, Discretion,
-by his daughter, Responsibility,
-and by his son, Reason.

He is survived by his 5 stepbrothers;
- I Know My Rights
- I Want It Now
- Someone Else Is To Blame
- I'm A Victim
- Pay me for Doing Nothing

Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone.

If you still remember him, pass this on. If not, join the majority and do nothing.

on another matter...
What the Hell happened in 1997-1998? (see picture below)

The median price of homes rose 3.5% for 108 years... until 1997.

To know the answer to that question is to understand the who, when and why that caused The Great recession of 2008-2012 and counting.  Less than 7% of the U.S. population knows these answers. Want to be one of the 7%?  Scroll down and read the next blog below this one! (This will make you angry!)

Monday, October 29, 2012

TRUE CAUSES of the FINANCIAL CRISIS! (not the BS that BO spews!)

Sometimes a Little Satire is Needed to Drive Home a Point!

Often it is best to use humor to drive home a point!  And here's the point that very few seem to know... Obama was arguably the #1 Chief Architect of the Financial Crisis!  I'll prove my point just below...
I am THE whistle blower that can back it up because I was there!  I worked on Wall Street (Merrill Lynch) for 10 years and also built a mortgage banking operation from my basement that grew over 12 years into one of the top 200 largest mortgage banking companies in the country with over 300 employees in 39 states.  I served on my state's mortgage association Board (and was President as well) for 4 years. That required me to be in Washington D.C. each quarter, along with other states' Board members and Presidents, with legislators, lobbyists from the biggest banks and mortgage banks, regulatory officials, HUD Secretaries, state Attorneys General and others.  Many of these meetings were closed door sessions and we saw / heard all the lobbying and rationalization that justified the abuses of homeowners that is a national scandal now - the subprime mortgage induced meltdown of the global economy.

We just re-elected the most cunning impostor to ever hold the office of the president of the U.S., and one of the biggest contributors to the global financial crisis that still holds the economy hostage!!  We must educate the electorate that voted on November 6th for Barack Obama, arguably the most influential person that caused this financial crisis!   Historians MUST get this right!!!

Help me help you!  Jerry MacGuire (Tom Cruise) in the movie by the same name just seems appropriate here!  If enough people are aware of Obama's huge role in causing The Financial Crisis, surely they will finally see that the Emperor-in-Chief has no clothes! 

My best selling book, Skullduggery - True Causes of the Financial Crisis, is written by Ted Krager, a whistle blower and mortgage industry / Wall Street insider.

Below are two of the four Cruxes of the Book.  I know 99% of people do NOT know these facts because while writing my book I did a survey with about 6,000 participants across the Left and the Right!

#1 - 1994 - Obama was part of a legal team that filed the 1st lawsuit that forced banks to lower their standards and make subprime loans.  Subprime loans caused the banking industry to implode.  The "bullets in the gun" were subprime mortgages.  Without those, the Financial Crisis would not have occurred.  The banks and Wall Street exacerbated it, but take way those bullets - no meltdown!
Obama constantly rails against "Fat Cat Bankers and Wall Street firms that gamed the system and changed the rules."  NO they didn't!  Obama was on the team of lawyers that changed the rules and gamed the system!!  He is getting away with perhaps the biggest political fraud and hypocrisy ever perpetrated on the public and that speaks volumes about our current Pretender-in-Chief!

#2 - January 2002 - A Harvard Law Professor asks for and is granted a special meeting with the Senate banking Committee on January 8th, 2002.  He presents a multi-year case study of over 3,000 mortgages to the Committee, documenting extreme mortgage abuse of home buyers by the banks.  Abuse was so bad that 85% of all mortgages were proven to have hidden fees, amounting to an implied interest rate of up to 114%!!!  This was obviously illegal under various mortgage lending laws (RESPA) as well as a clear violation of usury laws in all 50 states.  This Senate Committee had a majority of Democrats, including Chris Dodd and Chuck Schumer, so what did this group of elected officials do with this proof that home buyers were being egregiously ripped off?  They buried this report!  That had far reaching ramifications because 75% of subprime loans were piled on by the banks from 2002-2007.  If the Committee had acted on this, there would not have been this Great Recession we are all suffering through.  It was obvious, preventable and the Senate could have stopped it!


#3 -  November 1998, President Bill Clinton passes Gramm-Leach-Bliley, repealing Glass Steagall that kept banks from using your "safe money" in checking and savings accounts as well as in Certificates of Deposit from being used in speculative investments (like subprime mortgages).  The walls came down, the banks had an endless supply of funds to use for the new and significant wave of subprime mortgage borrowers (the landmark lawsuit Obama's legal team filed in 1994 settled in late 1998) and the Housing Boom was on, artificially created by political ideologies, not economic supply and demand forces.  The result is displayed poignantly in the chart below:

From 1890 to 1998, it is clear that the median price of homes in the U.S. rose by about 3.5% annually, factoring out the recessions and immediate booms afterwards.  BUT... from 1998 through 2006, there is an overt spurt to the upside, peaking in just 9 short years and then imploding through 2012.  

Now I ask you... if even a casual observer looked at this chart, what jumps out at you?  Clearly it is the aberrant explosion of home prices in 1998-1999.  That would beg the Question: "What the hell happened in 1998?!"  Answer:  Laws changed (Obama's legal team lawsuit against the banks forcing them to make subprime loans) and the repeal of Glass-Steagall by Clinton.  

This is the proverbial picture worth a 1,000 words and the evidence is simply irrefutable.  Attorney Barack Obama and president Bill Clinton, two of the worst Progressive Democrats in the land, made my Top 10 List as Masters of the Meltdown.  (Actually, both are in the Top 5!)  They had help but now you know why both of them are desperately trying to outwit historians and voters!  It is my life's desire at this time to "out" them and the inexorable message should be sent on November 6th, 2012 - CAPITALISM IS THE GREATEST SYSTEM IN THE WORLD AND THE REASON THAT MILLIONS OF PEOPLE RISK THEIR LIVES TO COME HERE AND MAKE A LIFE FOR THEMSELVES!






Here are the two best (of many) comments I have received from people who have read this book:

"Ted, I spent my career on Wall Street as a bundler of mortgage backed securities (MBS) and retired after 28 years in 2003.  I had no idea what was going on but many of my life-long friends there retired in 2007 because they could see the debacle coming.  However, none of them knew what the origin of all this was.  Your book explained it perfectly.  You dotted the i's and crossed the t's and called out the right people... consider me now informed and mad as hell.  I'm so tired of hearing Obama blame "fat cat bankers and greedy Wall Street people for the debacle he is responsible for."  Gary H.

"Ted, your book is going to cause a lot of pain for a lot of people who were part of the liberal machine in the Clinton administration that went to such lengths to strong-arm the banks into lowering their lending standards and make mortgage loans to millions of people with poor credit, spotty job history and little to zero downpayments. (I hope you live in a gated community!)  I knew from our bank's computer models that a large portion of these people predictably would default on their loans.  It was insanity."  Gail S.

Fellow Conservatives and believers in the free market, capitalistic system that built the U.S. into the best, strongest nation on the planet, I need your help!  PLEASE spread the word... Tweet, Blog, eMail or call your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers the URL's below:



(The lowest cost for the book is at Amazon!!! and the eBook is available there too.  Kindle only!)

Tweet or Email these URLs to your contacts...

Enough people are not yet educated about Obama's involvement in causing the Great Recession and he was re-elected!  Therefore my #1 mission in life for writing this book was to expose Obama so historians get it right!  He is indeed an impostor.  (The Amateur is also a great book that exposes Obama BUT NOT HIS ORIGINS to the Financial Crisis - NO ONE KNOWS THIS!!!)


Ted Krager

PS - Yes, I moved into a very gated community!   

PS #2 - The book is almost 500 pages long so it is like a novel in that respect.  But this is no "fairy" tale like a novel.  It is the true story of how the far-left ideologies of the Democratic party are trying to take down America.  The story is well documented with footnotes, links and suggested other readings.  At the back of the book is also a stick-figure PowerPoint Presentation that circulated the internet among the mortgage industry in late 2008.  It is an R-rated, direct and accurate depiction of what actually happened but it leaves out one important item - a list of the Chief Architects of the Financial Crisis and their motivations for causing this orchestrated take-down of the economy.  THAT message is only in Skullduggery! True Causes of the Financial Crisis. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Pretender / Coward-in-Chief Obama

Stand Down, Obama and your administration.  All of you. Stand Down. You've failed to carry out your responsibilities of office. You treated American lives, including that of an ambassador -- the official representative of your country -- with utter disregard for their safety. You've lied to us about this tragedy so many times and in so many ways you can no longer credibly lead. You are crass, vulgar and without regard for truth, law or common decency and deserve to be drummed out of office.

Watch this video!  THE best anti-Obama campaign ad I have seen, by far!

Send your Follower / Friends / Family here to watch this video.

Are you aware that Obama was one of the MAJOR Architects of the Financial Crisis, destroying Hispanic and Black communities in the process via his role as a young lawyer that sued banks, forcing them to make subprime loans which of course built into a bubble that imploded the economy in 2007?  Yes, Obama's fingerprints are ALL OVER The Great Recession and now we know he is also a coward when it comes to protecting our troops.

This is BIGGER than WaterGate people!  Here's proof of BHOs role in subprime mortgages:

9 days to the most important election of our lifetime.

If the MSM won't expose this Pretender, we all must do it, one person at a time.

Ted Krager

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Obama's Corrupt Birds of a Feather Flock Together

Clinton is only the 2nd President of the U.S. to ever be impeached (by "that vast right-wing conspiracy") and was disbarred by the state of Arkansas.

 He also paid a $25,000.00 fine there; this was all over the Lewinski incident.

 He also paid an $850,000.00 settlement over the Lewinski incident and paid unknown settlements re: Paula Jones and Gennifer Flowers.

He was also disbarred from practicing law in front of the Supreme Court.

So Bill Clinton, a disbarred lawyer, a President who was impeached for lying under oath and obstruction of a federal investigation,
asks the American people to believe him when he says the best thing for the Country is 4 more years of Obama.
Just wanted to make sure I had it right!

Proving once again that Politics is a career path for serial liars and deceit of the American public and redistribution of wealth and for paybacks to those who vote for you.  The means justifies their (personal) ideologies and goals.  Got it?

Birds of a Feather Flock Together!

If elected to a 2nd term... what would be a no-holds barred and unfettered agenda, what would the Saul Alinsky trained, Rules For Radicals Obama-ites do to the United States?  (By the way, Hillary Rodham Clinton wrote her masters thesis at Yale University on the premise of collapsing the economy and the subsequent redistribution of wealth.)  Their core belief is to collapse the economy and spread the wealth around... a true redistribution goal of Obama's cabinet members and his army of hand picked green energy czars.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Obama's RADICAL Energy / Environmental Agenda to be Enacted in a 2nd Term!

Obama ‘Punting’ on New EPA Rules Until Post-Election

A new report from Senate Republicans warns that the Obama administration and the EPA are delaying implementation of painful new regulations until after the election.  The report from the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works’ Minority Staff, “A Look Ahead to EPA Regulations for 2013,” points to a “slew of job-killing EPA regulations that the Obama-EPA has put on hold until after the election but will be on the ‘to-do’ list for 2013.”
“As the economy has continued to falter over the past year, team Obama has been delaying rule after rule that will eliminate American jobs, drive up the price of gas at the pump even more, impose construction bans on local communities, and essentially shut down American oil, natural gas, and coal production. They don’t want this economic pain to hit American families just before the election because it would cost President Obama votes.”

The report goes on to state: “It’s pretty clear that if President Obama secures a second term, the Obama-EPA will have a very busy next four years, moving full speed ahead to implement numerous major rules and regulations that he has delayed or punted due to the upcoming election.

“The radical environmental left may not need to worry, but what about American families, who are working hard in tough economic times, trying to make ends meet?

“As the nation struggles to recover from a lagging economy in the coming year, Americans could also be grappling with a regulatory onslaught from the Obama-EPA that will strangle economic growth, destroy millions of jobs, and dramatically raise the price of goods, the cost of electricity, and the price of gas at the pump.”

The “punted” regulations include:

  • Greenhouse gas rules that will “virtually eliminate coal as a fuel option for future electric power generation,” and inflict new permitting costs on more than 37,000 farms.
  • New ozone standards that would cost $90 billion a year.
  • Regulations on hydraulic fracturing that will have “serious impacts on domestic energy production.”
  • Expansion of federal control “over virtually every body of water in the United States, no matter how small.”
  • Storm water regulations that could include “mandates on cities to change existing buildings, storm water sewers, and streets.”
  • Reductions in the sulfur content in gasoline that could boost prices by 9 cents a gallon.
  • Clean Water Act rules that “could require expensive new construction at power plants to lower fish deaths.” Other regulations would affect coal ash, farm dust, oil and gasoline spill prevention, and more.“This report is a wake-up call on the economic pain that the ‘abusive’ Obama-EPA plans to inflict next year,” said Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma, ranking member on the committee.
    “It reveals a president who is more concerned about saving his own job than the millions of Americans who are looking for one today.”

    This Obama Agenda Will DESTROY the U.S. Economy Just as He Destroyed the Housing Markets for Minorities in Chicago That Led to the Financial Crisis.  Didn't know this? (Few do...)  Read it Here:

    See 1 minute video here that is an overview of my best selling book that exposes Obama's SIGNIFICANT role in causing the Financial Crisis / Great Recession of 2007-20?? and counting.

  • Thursday, October 18, 2012

    The True Story About Libya, Terrorism and Obama's Coverup

    More evidence of deception

    President Obama’s attempts to wriggle free from his own words and actions on Libya are making things worse.
    American Crossroads, taking exception to Obama’s announcement last night that he really had declared Benghazi to be an act of terrorism, has sent out a memo, which reads:

    The President clearly misled the American people with this claim, because if Obama’s Rose Garden speech was indeed the White House position, it did not inform any subsequent statement by the White House press office — and was even directly contradicted by his own spokesman several days later.
    On September 20 — eight days after Obama claims to have called the Benghazi attack an “act of terror” — Jay Carney affirmed to reporters that the White House had never called it “a terrorist attack.”
    From the gaggle on Air Force One, en route to Miami, 9/20/2012:
    Q: Can you — have you called it a terrorist attack before? Have you said that?
    MR. CARNEY: I haven’t, but — I mean, people attacked our embassy. It’s an act of terror by definition.
    Q: Yes, I just hadn’t heard you —
    MR. CARNEY: It doesn’t have to do with what date it occurred.
    Q: No, I just hadn’t heard the White House say that this was an act of terrorism or a terrorist attack. And I just —
    MR. CARNEY: I don’t think the fact that we hadn’t is not — as our NCTC Director testified yesterday, a number of different elements appear to have been involved in the attack, including individuals connected to militant groups that are prevalent in eastern Libya, particularly in the Benghazi area. We are looking at indications that individuals involved in the attack may have had connections to al Qaeda or al Qaeda’s affiliates, in particular al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.
    Here, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney actually affirmed Gov. Romney’s position that the White House did not call the Benghazi attack an act of terrorism. Carney also said the now infamous video “precipitated some of the unrest in Benghazi” the day before.
    The memo goes on to argue that Obama’s position on Libya is “untenable.” That’s about the shape of things. Did he call it an act of terror and go around misleading the country for two weeks that it was a spontaneous reaction to the anti-Muslim movie? Or did he not call it terror on Sept. 12 and lie to the voters last night?
    There is another problem with Obama’s response. Recall this part of his answer: “So as soon as we found out that the Benghazi Consulate was being overrun, I was on the phone with my national security team, and I gave them three instructions. Number one, beef up our security and — and — and procedures not just in Libya but every embassy and consulate in the region. Number two, investigate exactly what happened, regardless of where the facts lead us, to make sure that folks are held accountable and it doesn’t happen again. And number three, we are going to find out who did this, and we are going to hunt them down, because one of the things that I’ve said throughout my presidency is when folks mess with Americans, we go after them”
    So there was no actual meeting of the National Security Council at which everyone could share information and get on the same page? (David Axelrod has refused to say.) It doesn’t sound like it. But you know Obama was busy that day — flying to Las Vegas for a campaign event. So really, why have a meeting? Well, the weeks of confusion and dissembling that followed should answer that.
    Moreover, if he actually did instruct his team to heighten protection for the Libya Consulate, why was the consulate left unsecured so that CNN could waltz in to grab Ambassador Chris Stevens’s diary? Did Obama not make himself clear, or were his instructions not followed?
    The more we learn the more we see how both dishonest and incompetent has been the handling of this entire incident. The Obama White House may be out spinning the press to buy into the Obama-Crowley line, but no one is buying it. As the rest of the information comes to light, the president retains less and less credibility. Like a fish on a line he flops this way and that, trying to break free of his self-created trap.
    And finally, this Reuters report suggests the administration was entirely unprepared for the 9-11 attacks.:

    In the months before the deadly attack in Benghazi, Libya, U.S. and allied intelligence agencies warned the White House and State Department repeatedly that the region was becoming an increasingly dangerous vortex for jihadist groups loosely linked or sympathetic to al Qaeda, according to U.S. officials.
    Despite those warnings, and bold public displays by Islamist militants around Benghazi, embassies in the region were advised to project a sense of calm and normalcy in the run-up to the anniversary of the September 11 attacks in the United States.
    In short, it appears that the Obama administration didn’t take 9-11 all that seriously, and when tragedy hit, it went into spin mode. Now the president is caught in a tangle of contradictions. Not even Candy Crowley can get him out.

    New Super PAC Formed for Mitt Romney

    An Urgent Message From Our Sponsor

    SuperPAC of America

    Urgent Message from Dick Morris

    Dear Reader:
    Mitt Romney won the second debate with Barack Obama!
    Frankly, Obama's attacks against Romney were nothing less than pathetic.
    Perhaps the major turning point in the debate — the "aha" moment for millions of undecided Americans — was when Mitt Romney so eloquently listed the key statistics of Obama's record.
    The facts about Barack Obama's record are simply indisputable — and disastrous!
    I have been urging publicly that Romney's campaign focus on Obama's record, not just in public utterances but in campaign ads as well.
    This is why — just before the debate — I worked with Super PAC for America to release a powerful new ad that cuts through the political spin and directly cuts to the bone.
    This ad was released just days before Romney's performance — but it sounded just like Romney's recap of Obama's job performance statistics.
    Super PAC for America is dedicated to go directly to the American people to expose Barack Obama for the almost total failure his administration has been.
    The Super PAC’s 30-second ad opens with a black screen and, in total silence, the following indisputable statistics scroll up on the screen:
    —23 Million Unemployed or Underemployed
    —47 Million on Food Stamps
    —5.5 Million Homes in Crisis/Foreclosure
    —$4500 Drop in Household Income
    —$5.5 Trillion of New Debt
    —$716 Billion in Medicare Cuts
    —$2.6 Trillion for Obamacare
    —$1.9 Trillion in New Taxes in Obama’s Budget
    —100% Increase in Gas Prices
    In the middle of this scroll, a roar begins to be heard chanting "Four more years, four more years . . . "
    And then when the scroll ends, the chanting ends and a voice comes on and says,"Four more years of this?
    "You've got to be kidding!"
    The Super PAC for America urgently needs your help to place this ad in key swing state markets across the nation.
    No group is running such clear and powerful ads, not even the Romney campaign.
    That's why I decided to join Mike Reagan, national chairman of Super PAC for America.
    Mike believes like I do that we can't leave it to chance that Obama's record will be fully exposed.
    Mike has also reached out to key advisers who were close to his dad, President Reagan, and helped him win two national elections by a landslide.
    Mike is using Super PAC to put together a winning formula to defeat Barack Obama.
    Mike asked me to serve as Chief Strategist for Super PAC and devise the ads that will speak directly to the American people.
    What I like most about Super PAC is that it is not afraid to speak the truth.
    In the 2010 Congressional elections, Super PAC for America raised millions and played a role in dozens of close House races.
    I believe Super PAC was crucial in helping the GOP win a landslide in the 2010 elections.

    When I was watching the last debate and heard Mitt Romney finally and powerfully recite the "facts" that will end Obama's presidency, I said to myself, "YES!"
    It was as if Mitt Romney watched our Super PAC ad and finally got the message.
    All we need to defeat Barack Obama is to tell the American people the facts, simply, honestly, repeatedly.
    Here's how Mitt Romney put it in the debate Tuesday night:
    "I can tell you that if you were to elect President Obama, you know what you’re going to get. You’re going to get a repeat of the last four years. . .
    "He said that by now we’d have unemployment at 5.4 percent. The difference between where it is and 5.4 percent is 9 million Americans without work.
    "I wasn’t the one that said 5.4 percent. This was the president’s plan — didn’t get there.

    "He said he would have by now put forward a plan to reform Medicare and Social Security because he pointed out they’re on the road to bankruptcy. He would reform them. He’d get that done.
    "He hasn’t even made a proposal on either one.
    "He said in his first year he’d put out an immigration plan that would deal with our immigration challenges — didn’t even file it.
    "This is a president who has not been able to do what he said he’d do. He said that he’d cut in half the deficit. He hasn’t done that either. In fact, he doubled it.
    "He said that by now middle-income families would have a reduction in their health insurance premiums by $2,500 a year. It’s gone up by $2,500 a year. And if 'Obamacare' is passed — or implemented, it’s already been passed — if it’s implemented fully, it’ll be another $2,500 on top.
    "The middle class is getting crushed under the policies of a president who has not understood what it takes to get the economy working again. He keeps saying, look, I’ve created 5 million jobs.
    "That’s after losing 5 million jobs. The entire record is such that the unemployment has not been reduced in this country.
    "The unemployment, the number of people who are still looking for work, is still 23 million Americans.
    "There are more people in poverty — one out of six people in poverty.
    "How about food stamps? When he took office, 32 million people were on food stamps; today 47 million people are on food stamps.
    "How about the growth of the economy? It’s growing more slowly this year than last year and more slowly last year than the year before.
    "The president wants to do well; I understand. But the policies he’s put in place, from 'Obamacare' to Dodd-Frank to his tax policies to his regulatory policies — these policies combined have not let this economy take off and grow like it could have."
    Well, all I can say is "BRAVO Mitt!"
    Mitt Romney was eloquent and persuasive.
    But now the debate is over and the spin has started.
    Some liberal media groups even had "snap" polls taken saying Obama won the debate!
    And the major news networks are trying to once again to confuse voters about the real issues.
    This makes the job of Super PAC for America so important.
    Mike Reagan and I and the thousands of donors to Super PAC for America realize this is a fight for the future of America.
    I can't even contemplate a future led by a second-term President Obama
    We must stop him. We can stop him. Now is our moment.

    Thank you.
    Yours for America,
    Dick Morris

    Paid for by Super PAC for America. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
    Super PAC for America does not make contributions to candidates. Funds raised by Super PAC for America will only be used for independent expenditures in support of or opposition to candidates. Super PAC for America is permitted to accept contributions from individuals and corporations in any amount, provided that contributions from foreign nationals lacking permanent resident status and contributions from federal contractors may not be accepted.
    Contributions to Super PAC for America are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

    Tuesday, October 16, 2012

    Las Vegas Oddsmaker has the Election Romney by Wide Margin!

    A Las Vegas "odds maker" gives his reasons for what he expects will be a big win by Romney in November. He was also the Libertarian party vice-presidential candidate in 2008 which accounts for his right-leaning interpretations and opinions. No matter, it’s an interesting analysis and it will be interesting to compare these comments in late November or December. Perhaps it's Reagan-Carter all over again and maybe even Truman – Dewey from a New York Times standpoint.
    “Most political predictions are made by biased pollsters, pundits, or prognosticators who are either rooting for Republicans or Democrats. I am neither. I am a well-known Vegas odds maker with one of the most accurate records of predicting political races.

    But as an odds maker with a pretty remarkable track record of picking political races, I play no favorites. I simply use common sense to call them as I see them. Back in late December I released my New Year's
    Predictions. I predicted back then - before a single GOP primary had been held, with Romney trailing for months to almost every GOP competitor from Rick Perry to Herman Cain to Newt - that Romney would easily rout his competition to win the GOP nomination by a landslide. I also predicted the Presidential race between Obama and Romney would be very close until election day. But on election day Romney would win by a landslide similar to Reagan-Carter in 1980.

    Understanding history, today I am even more convinced of a resounding Romney victory. 32 years ago at this moment in time, Reagan was losing by 9 points to Carter. Romney is right now running statistically even or a little behind in polls. So why do most pollsters give Obama the edge?

    First, most pollsters are missing one ingredient - common sense. Here is my gut instinct. Not one American who voted for McCain four years ago will switch to Obama. Not one in all the land. But many millions of people who voted for an unknown Obama four years ago are angry, disillusioned, turned off, or scared about the future. Voters know Obama now - and that is a bad harbinger.

    Now to an analysis of the voting blocks that matter in U.S. politics:

    **Black voters. Obama has nowhere to go but down among this group. His endorsement of gay marriage has alienated many black church-going Christians. He may get 88% of their vote instead of the 96% he got in 2008. This is not good news for Obama.

    **Jewish voters. Obama has been weak in his support of Israel. Many Jewish voters and big donors are angry and disappointed. I predict Obama's Jewish support drops from 78% in 2008 to the low 60's. This is not good news for Obama.

    **Youth voters. Obama's biggest and most enthusiastic believers from four years ago have graduated into a job market from hell. Young people are disillusioned, frightened, and broke - a bad combination. The enthusiasm is long gone. Turnout will be much lower among young voters, as will actual voting percentages. This is not good news for Obama.

    **Catholic voters. Obama won a majority of Catholics in 2008. That won't happen again. Out of desperation to please women, Obama went to war with the Catholic Church over contraception. Now he is being sued by the Catholic Church. Majority lost. This is not good news for Obama.

    **Small Business owners. I'm a small businessman myself and I know literally thousands of small business owners. At least 40% of them in my circle of friends, fans and supporters voted for Obama four years ago to give someone different a chance. As I warned them, he would pursue a war on capitalism and demonize anyone who owned a business...that he'd support unions over the private sector in a big way...that he'd overwhelm the economy with spending and debt. My friends didn't listen. Four years later, I can't find one person in my circle of small business owner friends voting for Obama. Not one. This is not good news for Obama.

    **Blue collar working class whites. Do I need to say a thing? White working class voters are about as happy with Obama as Boston Red Sox fans are with the New York Yankees. This is not good news for Obama.

    **Suburban moms. The issue isn't contraception, it's having a job to pay for contraception. Obama's economy frightens these moms. They are worried about putting food on the table. They fear for their children's future. This is not good news for Obama.

    **Military Veterans. McCain won this group by 10 points. Romney is winning by 24 points. The more our military vets get to see Obama the more they dislike him. This is not good news for Obama.

    Add it up. Is there one major group where Obama has gained since 2008? Will anyone in America wake up on election day saying, I didn't vote for Obama four years ago but he's done such a fantastic job, I can't wait to vote for him today. Does anyone feel a vote for Obama makes their job more secure?

    Forget the polls. My gut instincts as a Vegas odds maker and common sense small businessman tell me this will be a historic landslide and a world-class repudiation of Obama's radical and risky socialist agenda.”   The best selling book: Skullduggery! True Causes of the Financial Crisis as told by a mortgage banking and Wall Street insider / Whistle Blower!  Obama caused the Financial Crisis and if you doubt that, read the article at the link below and then buy and read my book!  Obama is the Chief Architect of the Financial Crisis.  The proof is surfacing and it is indisputable!