Saturday, September 15, 2012

Obama's HUGE Action in 1994 that Led To The Financial Crisis

Ted Krager's interview with Mike Rosen of KOA Radio from 10AM-11AM on Thursday, September 13,2012

Obama's BIG roles in causing the Financial Crisis are discussed in detail.

You heard that right - Obama, not "Fat Cat Bankers", "Greedy Wall Streeters" or other people who "Gamed the System" and "Changed the Rules", was directly responsible for one of the PIVOTAL events that injected poison subprime mortgage loans into the financial arteries around the world, resulting in the Global Financial Crisis.  This happened in 1994 and set the wheels in motion for the Financial Crisis.  Sound preposterous? It's not; it is the truth.

Click on the link below and then on the Ted Krager interview toward the top at the date and time shown above.

You will hear things on this broadcast you have never heard before because the Obama machine is so very, very good at covering up his past on many counts!

BHO must go!

Ted Krager

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